
an acuity associate perspective

We really enjoy what we do here at Acuity, and it’s always great to hear from you. One of our long standing Associates, Keith Foster, got in touch to share his Acuity experience.

“I was first introduced to Acuity through an ex-colleague ten years ago for a one week piece of work and have worked for them at four other clients for a total of four years since then. 

Their associate engagement works extremely efficiently, from help in winning and preparing for engagements, to guiding me through a security clearance process while I was working in Australia, through to the prompt payment of invoices.  Acuity is the best company I have worked with in terms of maintaining contact with its associates; I receive regular updates about the market and anticipated engagements, routine emails about opportunities on the CL1 framework and approaches about specific suitable opportunities as they arise.  They even run an annual Six Nations prediction competition, with the prize being a donation to the winner’s selected charity, which generates a sense of camaraderie even though some members of the group have never met.  I have worked with several Acuity consultants and other associates and they are, without exception, a highly talented and committed group”