

Acuity have previously supported the foodbank with food donations, particularly around the festive season, but this year we decided to do something different and volunteer some time. A team of four of us headed down to spend a worthwhile few hours helping sort and organise the donations ready to be made up in to parcels and hopefully made a bit of a dent in the workload they currently have.

Exeter Foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust's UK-wide network of foodbanks who work to help anyone who is facing hunger because of a crisis. Between April 2018 and March 2019 1.6 million emergency food parcels were provided by Trussell Trust Food Bank, with Exeter foodbank alone providing 6,808 of them.

The foodbank is always in need of support and you can help by donating food, making a cash donation or volunteering with the sorting of the food donations. The Christmas period is a busy one for the foodbank and any help would be appreciated, in particular top priorities items at the moment are fruit juice, pasta sauces, jams, squash and toiletries. Acuity are proud to support Exeter foodbank and the work they do across our local community and would encourage any local business to do what they can to support this fantastic charity.

To find out more about Exeter Foodbank please visit www.exeter.foodbank.org.uk or follow them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

November 2019